Cybersecurity Management Curriculum
All courses are delivered exclusively online.
BIT 557 Foundations of Information Assurance and Security - 3 credits
The course surveys the broad field of information assurance and security including core concepts and methods used to secure enterprise systems, networks, and information. You will learn the foundations of business and information security in several contexts, including disruptive technologies, current threats, and security events.
BIT 560 Manage/Integrate IS Function - 3 credits
An integrative managerial perspective for aligning competitive strategy, core competencies, and information system functions along with technology. Development and implementation of policies and strategies to achieve organizational goals. Defining the systems that support the operational, administrative, and strategic needs of the organization, its business units, individual employees, and external business relationships. Includes global and international issues such as privacy, security, workforce restrictions, and collaboration.
BIT 575 Business Network Systems Management - 3 credits
Develops a managerial level of technical knowledge and terminology for data, voice, image, and video communications and computer networks to effectively communicate with technical, operational and management people in telecommunications. Students are expected to understand and apply data communications concepts to situations encountered in industry; learn general concepts and techniques of data communications; understand the technology of the Internet; and understand the regulatory environment.