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Career Services

During the Interview: Things to Keep in Mind

Alertness may be the key in job interviews
Evidence shows that too many people lose out on interviews because they fail to show high energy, enthusiasm, and sharpness when talking with employer reps.

Arrive Enthusiastically.
When you come into the room, try to radiate energy. Walk in briskly, cheerfully, and as if you have been looking forward to this conversation.

Watch Your Body Language.
It goes without saying that good eye contact is important - not staring unceasingly into the interviewer's eyes - but keep looking the interviewer in the face. Also when you are making some really important point, look right at the interviewer, not just staring into space.

Posture Perfect.
Sit up straight, don't lounge in the chair. One authority says that when you sit up on the edge of the chair it looks like you are really interested in what's going on.

Animation Helps.
Keep the volume of your voice at a level which communicates alertness and your own basic self-confidence. This can be difficult when the interviewer seems bland, but if you emulate his or her laid back style you are likely to appear bland and disinterested yourself.

Be Specific.
When asked, or when you volunteer information, about your past education, work, or other activities, be prepared to talk in precise detail about what you did, learned, and your unique and noteworthy achievements.

Use Positives.
Try to minimize all negatives which come up. Your goal is to communicate enthusiasm and satisfaction with your education, past jobs, and your way of life. If you are asked questions with a negative spin, respond quickly and briefly.

Anticipate Tough Questions.
Your enthusiasm and self-confidence may be hurt if you are asked tough questions, unless you have prepared for them. Think about the best way to respond to such questions as "What your major weaknesses?" or "What did you dislike most about your last job?" or the classic, "What kind of people rub you the wrong way?"