Communications Proficiency Policy
Implementation of SBHE Policy 609
The North Dakota University System (NDUS) policy requires that institutions must develop policies to implement a process for students to register concerns or file complaints if they believe a person involved in classroom instruction is not proficient in written and oral English communication skills.
At Minot State University, if a student feels that their classroom instruction is compromised because their instructor is not proficient in oral or written English communication skills, he/she must first bring the concern to the course instructor. The instructor will review the student concern and respond to the student within 14 days.
If the student believes that the instructor’s response does not remedy the concern, the student can appeal the instructor’s decision within 14 days to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The student should put his/her concerns in writing and discuss those concerns with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who will then review the student’s concerns and the instructor’s response and make a decision as to how to address the concern.
If the student is still dissatisfied, the student may request that the case be reviewed at a hearing by the Student Rights Committee. The formal request for the hearing must be received by the Registrar within 14 days after completion of the Vice President for Academic Affairs’ review and decision. The decision of the Student Rights Committee shall be considered final.
At any time, the student may contact the Vice President for Student Affairs for advice on how to file a communication proficiency complaint. The Vice President for Student Affairs will report complaints to the appropriate chair and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
This policy recognizes and is compliant with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act and prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities.
History: April 2006