Non-Motorized Vehicles
The use of Non-Motorized vehicles and small motorized vehicles (bicycles, rollerblades skateboards, Segways, Scooters, Mopeds, etc.) on campus will be allowed for the purpose of transportation from Point A to Point B on campus or to travel through campus. Operators of Non-Motorized Vehicles will always yield to pedestrians and exercise care and concern for the safety of themselves and others.
First Offense
- Anyone operating a non-motorized vehicle in a reckless or unsafe manner will be identified and given a verbal warning. An Incident Report describing the incident will be entered into Report Exec including all identity and contact information.
Second Offense
- Registered Students or Employees – The student/employee will be asked to cease reckless operation of the non-motorized vehicle. All relevant information, including complete identity, will be included in an Incident Report. If the person is a registered student, they will be referred to the Vice President for Student Affairs for possible disciplinary action. If the individual is an employee their supervisor will be notified.
- Non-Students – The person will be confronted and asked to cease reckless operation of the non-motorized vehicle. Complete an Incident Report and notify the Director by email for possible issuance of a No Trespass Order.