A: Policy for the Assignment of Study Carrels
- Carrels are assigned to individual faculty and graduate students with a research interest that requires continuing and intensive use of library resources.
- Assignment of carrels will be based on need.
- A completed application for a carrel must be submitted to the library.
- Assignment of a carrel may not exceed one semester or summer term.
- A carrel holder may apply for renewal at the end of their assigned period, but they will have no priority over other applicants.
- Carrels will be for scholarship only and will not provide office or conference space.
- Carrel holders may not sublease the space assigned to them.
- It is the responsibility of the faculty member to notify the library director when their carrel is no longer needed.
- Applicants approved for carrels will be notified by e-mail of their carrel assignment.
- Carrels are not accessible when the library is closed.
B. Regulation for the Use of Study Carrels
- Carrels are expected to be used. If insufficient use is made of the carrel, it will be reassigned.
- Furniture should be neither introduced nor removed from the carrels.
- Walls and doors must be kept free of nails, tape, or any other method of affixing objects.
- Windows must not be covered.
- There is a $10 charge for replacing lost keys.
- Telephone or personal messages will not be delivered to carrels.
C. Charging Procedures for Study Carrels
- Carrel holders are to abide by the same rules as all other library patrons in checking out materials. In other words, carrel holders planning to use an item in a carrel for over two hours must check it out at the Circulation Desk. This also means items that do not circulate (e.g. reference books, indexes) are not to be kept in carrels.
- Carrels will be monitored by library personnel to ensure materials are properly charged.
- Library materials which are not checked out will be returned to the collection.
Questions regarding the use of carrels should be directed to Jolene Nechiporenko, Library Director.