Minot State students ask community to Pause for Paws
WPO brings ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ to MSU
23rd NSSLHA spring conference focusing on children
Opening avenues for people with hearing aids/cochlear implants
Michael Jordan memorabilia highlight 2016 Spring Party
MSU open house offers glimpse of student experience
Minot State University summer and fall registration underway
U.S. News ranks MSU online business programs among the best
New faculty and staff aboard
In the galleries
Faculty and staff achievements
Pause for Paws, an animal therapy and shelter awareness event hosted by Minot State University students from Honors 391 class, “Community Problem Solving,” will be April 5 on Old Main’s lawn, 1-5 p.m. Community members are welcome to play with shelter animals as well as learn more about the Souris Valley Animal Shelter.
“We researched community problems and learned how to coordinate a charity event from beginning to end,” said Nina Coster, an Honors 391student. “Most importantly though, this class taught us how to become better people by giving back.”
The community problem-solving course is a seminar in civic engagement; the students work with community leaders and agencies to identify problems and formulate solutions to real-life community challenges. The goal is to make long-term positive impact toward the problems. For the full news release, visit http://www.minotstateu.edu/pio/news/2016/03/msu-students-ask-community-to-pause-for-paws.shtml.
The Broadway smash hit, “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” is coming to Minot State University Thursday through Sunday (March 31-April 3) in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall. Western Plains Opera selected Andrew Lloyd Webber’s biblical spectacular because it is one of the most popular musicals in the world, filled with energy, excitement and fun for the entire family.
Ann Nicole Nelson Hall has loop induction for individuals with hearing devices equipped with T Coil. Tickets can be purchased online at www.wpopera.org or in the Division of Music or by phone (858-3185). Reserved tickets are $20 or $15, and student discount tickets are $10 (must be purchased in person with a valid student ID.) For questions, contact Mark McQuade, music associate professor and WPO general director, at mark.mcquade@minotestateu.edu.
Minot State University's chapter of the National Students Speech Language Hearing Association is holding its 2016 spring conference April 1 in the Conference Center from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
“The students plan, organize and execute a nationally renowned conference, which is attended not only by MSU students, faculty and staff, but also by practicing speech-language pathologists from North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota, Saskatchewan and Manitoba,” said Lesley Magnus, communication disorders associate professor. “Practitioners count on this conference as one of their continuing education opportunities for the year and have never been disappointed in the quality, content or skills.”
This year, the theme is “Speech Sound Disorders in Infants, Toddlers and School-aged Students.” The morning’s topic is promoting speech development in infants and toddlers. The afternoon’s topic is controversies arising in treating late-acquired consonants (the late eight). For a registration form and the full news release, visit http://www.minotstateu.edu/pio/news/2016/03/23th-nsslha-spring-conference-focusing-on-children-.shtml.Once again, Minot State University and the Minot Sertoma Club are partnering to make another MSU facility more enjoyable for people with hearing aids and cochlear implants. This time, Minot Sertoma has a $5,000 matching grant from the St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation of Minot to install an induction loop system at MSU Summer Theatre’s Amphitheater.
Last June with MSU’s endorsement and matching funding from the Minot Area Community Foundation, Minot Sertoma contracted to install induction looping in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall, a performance hall.
To celebrate this milestone, the Minot Sertoma Club is providing a voucher for the March 31-April 3 production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” or the first performance of Summer Theatre to anyone with a hearing aid or cochlear implant. To read the full news release, visit http://www.minotstateu.edu/pio/news/2016/03/opening-avenues-for-people-with-hearing-aidscochlear-implants-to-hear-sweet-music.shtml.
The Minot State University Athletic Department and the Beaver Booster Club will host the 45th annual Beaver Booster Spring Party/Bert Leidholt Night April 6 at The Grand Hotel. The event begins at 6 p.m., and costs $50 per person. The MSU Athletic Department Spring Party/Bert Leidholt Night is a fundraiser for the Beaver Boosters with proceeds going to athletic scholarships.
“The Spring Party/Bert Leidholt Night is an important event for Minot State,” said MSU Director of Marketing Josh Sandy. “Scholarships help us bring in quality student-athletes and build our teams and our athletic department.”
Tickets will be available at the door, at the Minot State Athletic Department box office or online at www.msubeavers.com/SpringParty. With admission to the event, attendees get food, drink and chances at great prizes. Featured prizes this year include authentic Michael Jordan memorabilia. For more information, visit http://www.msubeavers.com/splash.aspx?id=splash_87.
On April 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Minot State University invites prospective students and their families to “test drive” the university at a Spring Open House. They will experience what it feels like to be an MSU student.
“Minot State offers students, the most important component of any school, a unique opportunity to be learning on a dynamic campus and interacting with quality faculty and staff,” said Katie Tyler, director of enrollment services. “Our faculty and staff members care about our students.”
MSU’s open house allows prospective students and their families to explore university life. They can spend time learning from faculty and staff members by choosing two mock classes to attend and by touring the campus. To RSVP or view details on speakers and events, visit www.ASKMSU.COM/OpenHouse. For questions, contact Tyler at katherine.tyler@minotstateu.edu or 858-3367.
Spring is here, and it’s time to register for the summer session and fall semester at Minot State University. Current students are urged to enroll in classes on campus, at Minot Air Force Base, or for classes and degree programs in Bismarck and Fargo. Online classes and degree programs are available too, and students are encouraged to review the schedule to evaluate all of the flexible course offerings. Current students may register any time by visiting Campus Connection, located at http://www.minotstateu.edu/cc/.
CONNECT orientation sessions and registration for new transfer and first-year students are also underway. Students who have been accepted to MSU will be invited via email to register for a CONNECT session.
Summer session classes start May 31. For fall semester, evening classes begin Aug. 22, and daytime classes begin Aug. 23. For more information, visit www.Askmsu.com or call 858-3350 or 1-800-777-0750.
Recently, the U.S. News & World Report reported Minot State University’s College of Business online graduate and undergraduate online programs ranked among the best online education programs. Its online Master of Science in management and Master of Science in information systems ranked 78th in the nation for Best Online Graduate Business Programs. CoB ranked 191st for Best Online Bachelor’s Programs.
“U.S. News ranked 1,200 programs, and Minot State’s standing confirms the College of Business has strong online management information systems and management programs on both undergraduate and graduate levels,” said Jacek Mrozik, CoB dean. “This ranking is nationwide. When we compare our result to peer institutions of our size and from our region, it is considered an achievement. MSU is one of the leaders for institutions of its size in this part of the U.S.”
To read the full news release, go to http://www.minotstateu.edu/pio/news/2016/03/u.s.-news-ranks-msu-online-business-programs-among-best.shtml.
Minot State University welcomes Mika Krienke, assistant volleyball coach. A native of Oxbow, Saskatchewan, Krienke completed a bachelor’s degree in biology from Mississippi Valley State in 2014. Currently, she is pursuing a master’s degree from Alcorn State University.
March 30-31 — MSU Art Faculty’s Biennial Exhibit, Hartnett Gallery.
March 30-April 7 — “Night Life” by North Dakota artist Monica Tininenko, Library Gallery.
April 7-May 5 — MSU Juried Student Art Show with guest juror Justin Sorensen of Williston, Hartnett Gallery.
A public opening reception for the MSU Juried Student Art Show with Sorensen and students will be April 7 in Hartnett Gallery, 6:30-8 p.m. Sorensen will present awards and give comments at 7 p.m.
The Office of Public Information proudly shares the many accomplishments of faculty and staff with the campus community in every issue.
Andy Bertsch, management professor, presented “Employee’s Response to Change in a Post-Merger/Acquisition, and Responses to Changes in the Downtown Area of a Booming Midwest City” at the second International Conference on Business Management and Economics in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Feb. 18-20.
Evan Borisinkoff and Holly Pedersen, assistant professors of special education, and Nichole Desautel, special education graduate student, presented at the 35th annual conference of the American Council on Rural Special Education in Las Vegas in March. Pedersen and Borisinkoff presented “Outcomes of a Personnel Preparation Program for Rural Early Childhood Special Education,” Pedersen presented “Something Better than Nothing? Investigating Rural Service Delivery Models for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children,” and Desautel and Pedersen presented “N.D. General Education Teachers’ Knowledge of American Sign Language Interpreters in the Classroom.”
Jennifer McQuade, instructor of voice, had her research titled “The Effect of the Position of the Zygomatic Musculature of the Experienced Baritone Singer on the Voice Spectra” published in the March/April 2016 issue of the National Association of Teachers of Singing peer-reviewed Journal of Singing. Her research used spectrographic analysis to compare voice spectra that resulted from various positions of the zygomatic musculature. The information found in this study shall be useful in understanding the role of the zygomatic musculature in singing and may be used for implementing concepts of zygomatic positioning in studio voice teaching. To read the article, go to JMcQuadeJOS-072-4-2016-441 copy.pdf .
Tom Seymour, business information technology professor, presented “Climbing New Heights with Your Personality” at the Iowa Telecommunications Association Meeting on March 9 in De Moines, Iowa.
Minot State University mission
Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.