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Dec. 8, 2023

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Minot State’s MIS program ranked No. 1 by

Minot State University’s management information systems (MIS) degree program is ranked No. 1 nationally by

The MIS program is one of three Minot State degree programs ranked in the top five by International business was ranked second overall, while the human services program is No. 3. offers curated guides that include the best degree programs and information about financial aid, internships, and study strategies. To learn more, see the company’s WEBSITE.

Multiple MSU programs — as well as the University overall — were also ranked in the top 50.

“We are pleased to share’s rankings for our programs and are especially proud to see management information systems sit atop those rankings,” said Cole Krueger, Minot State’s director of marketing. “The MIS degree leverages core business courses such as accounting, economics, marketing, and finance with a focus on design, development, and implementation of technology. Technology in the business setting is advancing at a rapid pace and it is an exciting field with huge potential for students.”

See’s rankings for best accredited online bachelor’s degree in management information systems HERE, its rankings for best accredited online bachelor’s in international business HERE, and online associate in human services HERE.

“The business information technology department is continuously striving for currency within the MIS curriculum. We are extremely proud of this ranking as it reinforces the accomplishments of the faculty and students,” said Kristi Berg, chair, business information technology. “Achieving the Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense designation for the MIS degree is a cornerstone of our program ensuring academic delivery to students is producing the qualified workforce needed by the nation.”

Olson brings ‘Museum Inspiration’ to Northwest Arts Center

Minot State University’s Linda Olson is bringing her “Museum Inspiration” exhibition to the Northwest Arts Center thanks in part to the North Dakota Art Gallery Association (NDAGA).

Olson, who is the chair of MSU’s Division of Art and Professional Communication as well as a professor of art, originally arranged for a single exhibition at The Arts Center in Jamestown. Then it was proposed as a tour adding MSU’s Northwest Arts Center  to stops at The Mondak Heritage Center in Sydney, Montana and the Bismarck Art and Galleries Association in Bismarck.

“The proposal is presented to the gallery representatives at the annual NDAGA meeting,” she explained. “If interest warrants, they put together a cooperative tour. Individual gallery representatives choose artists to share in their galleries. It is an honor to be chosen by the directors to tour through the Gallery Association.”

The exhibition will run from Nov. 16 to Dec. 23 at the Northwest Arts Center, located in the lower level, southside of the Gordon B. Olson Library. There will be an opening reception for "Museum Inspiration" on Thursday, Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m.

Olson used her passion as a self-described “diehard museum visitor” for her latest exhibition, noting she rarely passes by a museum without at least peeking inside. The professor of ceramics tends to frequent the ceramics sections of museums and has a special fondness in Chinese and Korean celadon ceramics featured at the Minneapolis Institute of Art.

"I am a maker. I love making objects. I get lost in the process, and I find getting lost the most important aspect of making,” Olson said. “Art objects in history and antiquity, and thus museums, are a primary inspiration for my work. Chinese celadon vessels, Greek amphoras, and Japanese tea bowls are some of the areas that inform my own ceramic making."

She also can’t pass up an opportunity to visit the American Wing at the Chicago Art Institute, the ancient artworks at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, and St. Louis Art Museum.

“This process has become like visiting old friends, as I get a chance to revisit a museum. I love the designs of the Chinese and Korean ceramics, like the 11th-12th Century Chinese peony design on the ceramic pillow at the Minneapolis Institute of Art that I recreated on several of my own artworks,” Olson said. “These works continue to influence my own art making.

“I also rail against the modernist perception that you must work in a single series to gain reputation as a serious artist. I never have wanted that kind of reputation. I would rather share my work regionally and explore many avenues. I have always been inspired by the color theorists, and my fused glass work, ‘Homage to Josef,’ does pay homage to the series, ‘Homage to the Square.’”

President’s Report magazine earns CASE District VI Award

Minot State University Advancement is proud to announce the 2022 issue of the President’s Report earned a Best of CASE District VI award.

CASE District VI is a part of The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and supports alumni relations, communications, development, and marketing professionals at educational institutions worldwide. District VI represents professionals and institutions in the Midwest region of the United States including Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

“Our Advancement and Development Foundation team does an outstanding job of creating our Connections and President’s Report publications,” said Rick Hedberg, Minot State vice president for advancement and executive director of the MSU Development Foundation. “Led by Michael Linnell, director of university communications, and Doreen Wald, director of design and print services, the team takes a great deal of pride in assembling quality material and stories that truly resonate with our alumni and friends. Our entire team has a part in making these publications top notch, and I’m happy they are being recognized for their great work.”

The President’s Report is produced yearly in August and is a companion magazine to the Alumni Association and Development Foundation magazine Connections. The President’s Report is mailed to alumni, donors, and friends across the country and includes donor features, scholarship and endowment lists and information, and honor roll of donors.

CASE District VI honors Best of CASE District VI awards in multiple categories including alumni relations initiatives, marketing and communication campaigns, design, writing, photography, video, and events.

Minot State’s President’s Report was one of three Best of District VI awards named as the University joined Saint Louis University’s 2022 President’s Report and Kummer Institute’s (Missouri University of Science & Technology) Annual Report.

Minot State’s President’s Report team was comprised of Hedberg; Steven Shirley, University president and columnist; Linnell, managing editor and writer; Amanda Duchsherer, Emily Schmidt, and Mike Stetson, writers; Mya Temanson, and Hussein Abu-Lamzi, student writers; Rick Heit, photographer; Wald, designer; Janna McKechnie, alumni; Kate Marshall, donor relations; with support from Bonnie Trueblood, Renae Yale, Jeremy Feller, and Steve Lipp, advancement / MSU Development Foundation; Roxi Mathis and Amanda Francis, design and print services; and Cole Krueger and Tiffany Pierson, marketing.

View the award-winning magazine online HERE and to access the Connections and President's Report archive,  see the Alumni WEBPAGE.

Enjoy Holiday Magic with your Minot Symphony Orchestra Dec. 9

The Minot Symphony Orchestra will celebrate the sounds of the season with an evening of live music by local musicians on Saturday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. at Ann Nicole Nelson Hall. The choirs of Minot State University, directed by Emerson Eads, and Minot High School, directed by Lindsay Kerzmann, will join the symphony for the "Christmas Cantata" as well as Lucas Richman’s "Christmas Singalong" which encourages audience participation. The Minot Symphony Orchestra is hosting the Minot Area Community Foundation Donation Station to collect items for the Lord’s Cupboard Food Pantry. Tickets for Holiday Magic start at $25 for adults with active military, senior, and student discounts available. All tickets are available HERE or through the box office at 701-858-4228. Patrons are encouraged to purchase tickets in advance. For more information, see attached PRESS RELEASE.

Therapy dogs at the library Dec. 11

The Gordon B. Olson Library will be hosting therapy dogs as a stress reliever for finals week! Come pet these popular and beautiful dogs on Monday, Dec. 11 from 7-9 p.m.

Campus holiday celebration Dec. 12

Steve and Jennifer Shirley invite you to the annual Minot State Campus Holiday Celebration Tuesday, Dec. 12 from 1-3:30 p.m. in the Student Center Conference Center. See attached INVITE.

Defensive driving course Dec. 19, register by Dec. 18

The Office of Facilities Management in coordination with the NDDOT will provide a National Safety Council defensive driving course Tuesday, Dec. 19 from 12:30-4:30 p.m. The class will be held off campus. There are faculty and staff who will need to renew their certificate this year along with new employees so please take advantage of the classes before your certificate expires. The certificates expire every four years. If you are unsure if you need the class yet, please contact SUE LOMMEN.

Facilities management has established a database of employees who completed the defensive driving course, which is required to check out a North Dakota state fleet car. Everyone who drives a state fleet car will be required to take the defensive driving course before they can drive a state fleet car. It is also worth noting that many insurance companies discount personal car insurance for those who have taken the course.

Individuals will be required to attend the entire class to obtain certification. It will also be necessary to check in with a facilities management employee and bring your driver’s license and a pen to the class. Preregister by contacting LOMMEN by Monday, Dec. 18. 

Reminder: Wellness points before Dec. 29

This is a friendly reminder to get your wellness points in and redeem them before Dec. 29 in the Sanford Wellness Portal. For more information and questions, contact Sydney Yale, wellness specialist, by EMAIL.


Northwest Arts Center
The gallery is located on the lower level of the Gordon B. Olson Library, with its own entrance on the south side of the library. The arts center is open Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday 1-5 p.m., and by special arrangement. It is closed holidays.

  • Museum Inspiration: The Northwest Arts Center presents 'Museum Inspiration,' by artist and Minot State University Professor Linda Olson, on view in the Northwest Arts Center's Walter Piehl Gallery from Nov. 16 to Dec. 23, with an opening reception Nov. 16, at 6:30 p.m. The exhibition is currently touring through the North Dakota Art Gallery Association.

Flat Tail Press
Flat Tail Press is an educational printmaking studio at Minot State University. The gallery is located in the landing space on second and third floor of the Minot State Student Center, west entrance. It is open Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-12 a.m.

  • Chris Mortenson: Tumulus: Moorhead-based artist brings his poignant series of photographs to the Flat Tail Press Gallery. The exhibition, titled "Tumulus," presents images of people and landscapes from Minnesota’s Mesabi Iron Range. Since its mining beginnings in the 19th century, the area has endured many boom-and-bust cycles, and Mortenson’s images hold a tension between the beautiful, altered landscape and the evidence of human struggle. Mortenson has shown his work nationally and internationally and is an associate professor of art at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota.


Evan Borisinkoff, associate professor in the Department of Special Education, presented “Mentoring East African Disability Advocates: Our Experiences in Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia” with Megan Roberts, associate professor in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics from the University of Oklahoma. The AUCD conference took place in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 5-8. A copy of the presentation can be found HERE. Borisinkoff’s information booklet that he and Professional Fellow Priscilla Mugume authored with assistance from the North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities (NDCPD) to support parents of children with disabilities can be found HERE.

Emerson Eads’ song cycle, "Kahlil Songs," with poetry taken from Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet, composed for tenor, Kelly Burns (premiered by him in October 2023), has been published by North Star Music. It is currently available for sale HERE. On Nov. 9, Entre Ríos Books and Folio: The Seattle Athenaeum hosted an evening of poetry and opera celebrating the debut collection, “The Unquiet Country,” by Seattle author Patrick Milian and Eads. Sopranos Susan Payne O’Brien and Clarice Alfonso performed duets composed by composer Eads and commissioned specifically for this book, “A Prime Number of Lines for Lili & Nadia Boulanger.”

David Frantsvog, assistant professor, was a part of's Ask the Experts section of their website. Frantsvog added his advice on three questions concerning totaling a car after an accident for insurance. Read Frantsvog's advice HERE.

Nathan Anderson co-presented a session at the Assessment Institute in Indianapolis on Oct. 30 with MSU M.Ed. alumnae, Kaydra Weigel. Their session, “Cultivating Graduate-Level Assessment Skills through an A+ Inquiry Thesis Alternative,” explained an overview of MSU’s A+ Inquiry capstone project alternative to a thesis for M.Ed. students and demonstrated how developing transferable inquiry skills through the capstone experience may equip graduate students to be better prepared for supporting assessment initiatives at postsecondary institutions. The Assessment Institute is recognized as the nation's oldest and largest event focused on assessing and improving higher education. For more information, see the 2023 Assessment Institute in Indianapolis's WEBSITE.

Kacey Donamaria, record specialist in the Registrar's office, was the October winner of the Staff Senate High Five Award. She is pictured HERE with Minot State President Steven Shirley and Staff Senate President Tiffany Pierson. Donamaria has been in her current position at the University since May 2022. She formerly worked as a student worker in the Gordon B. Olson Library from 2012-2017. Outside of work, she enjoys reading, putting puzzles together, and collecting stickers.

Amanda Duchsherer, who has served as the digital communication specialist in Minot State’s University Communications and Marketing departments, began as the office manager for MSU’s Advancement and MSU Development Foundation on Nov. 1. Duchsherer took over for Bonnie Trueblood, who retired effective Oct. 31.

Laurie Weber, director of financial aid, earned the prestigious FAAC® designation through NASFAA’s Certified Financial Aid Administrator Program. Weber became one of two professionals in North Dakota with the certification. Fewer than 500 professionals nationwide hold the honor. The certification requires passing a comprehensive exam, achieving sufficient industry-related experience, and commitment to standards for ethical behavior. Maintenance of the designation requires on-going growth and development activities, continuing education, qualifying leadership, instruction, authorship, advocacy, and other activities. Weber’s commitment to MSU excellence is very much appreciated as the legal, regulatory, and student-service demands continue to escalate for financial aid officers.

Congratulations to Shania Wendel and Cheryl Coyle for winning the turkey scramble $10 gift cards, and Anne Nordegaard for being the lucky blackout bingo $30 gift card winner.

Jennifer Ness, history major, presented her Honors Program capstone portfolio on Dec. 8.

Emma Vance was selected as the ASC Student of the Month for October. She has contributed to the Academic Support Center’s programs as an office assistant.

Sam Wedar, individualized studies major, presented "Exploring the Crucial Skills and Knowledge Required for Sports Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach" Nov. 28 as his capstone presentation.


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Submissions Due: Dec. 27, 2023
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Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.

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