Reclaiming the night: Stand up and speak out

Take Back the Night, a walk to create awareness of and provide information about violence, will begin Oct. 27 in the Beaver Dam (Minot State University’s Student Center, second floor) at 7 p.m. This event, aimed at rallying the community toward ending violence, is sponsored by MSU’s Title IX Office, the Domestic Violence Crisis Center and the Student Social Work Organization.

“This year, the Take Back the Night National Foundation will feature SSWO as one of its Ten Points of Light on its website,” said Shelby Pederson, SSWO president and TBTN co-organizer. “Our community is uniting and taking a stand to end sexual and domestic violence through an awareness walk and survivor testimony. Take Back the Night’s goal is to bring visibility to all survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence crimes that go unreported and unnoticed.”

For the walk around campus, luminaries will provide light for the path. Participants will conclude their walk by returning to the Beaver Dam, where they will listen to a survivor’s story, view videos and enjoy refreshments.

Take Back the Night, a domestic violence awareness initiative, was born in San Francisco in 1978, when women advocates marched together in solidarity, holding candles, to protest rape and violence against women. It has grown into an international tradition with marches, programs and rallies occurring around the world in October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

“Domestic violence is a prevalent, serious issue,” said Hannah-Ruth Patterson, TBTN co-organizer. “Students, faculty, staff and community members must reach out and band together to work toward ending fear and violence.”

For questions, contact Dionne Spooner, SSWO advisor, at or SSWO at

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Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.

Published: 10/13/16   

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