Rauhauser excels with the Raiders

“What I learned at MSU has been applicable in various places within my job. Between being a part of the football team, doing a work study with the IT department, and the great instructors and classes I feel like I was about as prepared as anyone could be for their first career after college. Coach Aldrich and the whole coaching staff taught me discipline and how to work as a team. George Withus and the IT department at MSU gave me experience and introduced me to my love of desktop support. And MSU’s incredible instructors, especially professors Kristi Berg and Chad Fenner, gave me an abundance of knowledge that I use every day at work.”
Nathan Rauhauser, IT department Oakland Raiders

OAKLAND, Calif. – It is estimated that less than two percent of student athletes find their way to the professional ranks after college. Nathan Rauhauser, a Turtle Lake, N.D. native, who played football for Minot State, didn’t let these odds deter him from landing in the NFL with the Oakland Raiders.

Only you won’t find Rauhauser’s name on the team roster because his contribution to the Raiders takes place off the field.

After retiring his helmet and pads at the end of MSU’s 2017 football season and graduating with a Bachelor’s of Science in management information systems, Rauhauser landed a job as a desktop support specialist with the Raiders organization.

“Like most IT jobs, there isn’t really a typical day. Throughout the day what I do is based off everyone at the facility and what goes wrong with their computers. I love having different tasks and new challenges every day. It makes the job extremely satisfying and fun,” Rauhauser said.

Rauhauser’s journey to Oakland started years before with his MSU teammate and best friend, Lucas Romanski, whose father, Bob, is the equipment manager for the Raiders.

“Lucas played an important part in changing my life completely and being the connection to this job,” said Rauhauser. “As well as Lucas’ parents, Bob and Cecilia, being the most kind and loving people to welcome me into their home and make me feel like family.” 

Through his connection with the Romanski family, Rauhauser was able to get an internship with the Raiders’ IT department the summer before his final semester of college. After completing the internship and returning to Minot, Rauhauser made it a point to stay in contact with his former boss.

“I dropped subtle hints that I would be graduating in December and would love to help out with the Raiders in the future,” he said.

Rauhauser’s persistence paid off. One day his former boss responded to an email he had sent with a job offer.

“I was super excited but not surprised that he had taken advantage of an opportunity and that the Raiders were willing to give him a shot at a full-time career,” MSU management information systems professor Kristi Berg said. “Nate excelled in his classes and we had a lot of talks about where does one go in this field because it’s so wide open. Nate is open to wherever life takes him.”

As a student at MSU, Rauhauser made the switch from management to management information systems after taking an introductory MIS class with Berg.

Rauhauser has had a lifelong interest in technology dating back to the time he tried to fix his parents’ VCR by completely dissembling it and then putting it back together. While the young Rauhauser was not able to salvage the VCR, he did enjoy learning how all the various components functioned.

Today, Rauhauser is working with much more complicated technology systems, having much more success, and enjoying every moment.

“Hands down, the best part about my job is the people that I work with. I have met so many incredible people at work and heard so many stories that are completely unbelievable,” said Rauhauser.  “I work with some of the smartest and most fun-loving guys in the industry. Having such an excellent group to work with makes going to work in the morning exciting.”

Looking back on his time at Minot State, Rauhauser believes he established a strong foundation to succeed moving forward.

“What I learned at MSU has been applicable in various places within my job. Between being a part of the football team, doing a work study with the IT department, and the great instructors and classes I feel like I was about as prepared as anyone could be for their first career after college,” he said. “Coach Aldrich and the whole coaching staff taught me discipline and how to work as a team. George Withus and the IT department at MSU gave me experience and introduced me to my love of desktop support. And MSU’s incredible instructors, especially professors Kristi Berg and Chad Fenner, gave me an abundance of knowledge that I use every day at work.”

About Minot State University
Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.

Published: 04/13/18   

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