Richard embraces opportunities to grow

“My education and experiences here at Minot State are the reason I’m where I’m at today. The freshman me wouldn’t have been comfortable speaking at Commencement in front of thousands of people, but I’ve been able to speak in front of groups and at events the past four years. One of the biggest advantages at Minot State are the opportunities to get involved so you can make mistakes, fall flat on your face, but get back up from it and learn from them.”
Aaron Richard, management, entrepreneurship, and marketing

By Michael Linnell
University Communications Director

MINOT, N.D. – Aaron Richard wasn’t exactly a wallflower when he arrived as a freshman at Minot State four years ago.

Still, the senior triple major in management, entrepreneurship, and marketing knows he has grown during his college career.

The evidence is 2019 Commencement speech.

“My education and experiences here at Minot State are the reason I’m where I’m at today,” he said. “The freshman me wouldn’t have been comfortable speaking at Commencement in front of thousands of people, but I’ve been able to speak in front of groups and at events the past four years. One of the biggest advantages at Minot State are the opportunities to get involved so you can make mistakes, fall flat on your face, but get back up from it and learn from them.”

Part of those experiences at Minot State is serving four years on the Student Government Association including the past two academic years as president and two years in DECA.

Student government was a natural fit, even in his first year.

“I was always involved in high school and wanted to keep doing that in college, I wanted to stay involved in terms of leadership,” Richard said. “I was on student government in high school and that appealed to me. I started as a freshman senator. I probably wasn’t as involved as I should have been, but I enjoyed that. My sophomore year I was the College of Business senator.”

As a junior, Richard was elected SGA president. His following year, he was elected again, giving him a rare opportunity to expand his presence in the position.

“I came into my second year much more comfortable, I knew some of the goals I wanted to accomplish this year like hosting different events and trying to engage the students,” he said. “I wanted to try some cool new projects, like the selfie station that just went up. Having that second year to improve on the mistakes from the first year was great. The first year you are just learning on the job, but the second year was much better.”

DECA and PBL — both student groups in the College of Business — expanded on that. Richard’s growth as an individual had much to do with how much he interacted in groups.

“I joined PBL as a sophomore and was more involved in the College of Business as a sophomore and that opened a lot of doors,” he said. “I was able to take trips and go to conferences, I was more comfortable networking and public speaking, I was just able to get out of my box.

“Minot State does a great job of that, if you are driven and motivated, there are so many opportunities offered by the University. It’s what you make it. One of my themes of my speech is saying yes to new opportunities, those are where you learn and grow.”

Richard also believes the success he has enjoyed in clubs like DECA are a direct reflection of the group and its influence on him.

“I think any success I’ve had in DECA reflects what all the club members put into it and what our advisor Tawnya Bernsdorf puts into it,” he said. “We put on fundraisers and programs and got to do networking activities not only help our members grow but the rest of the university. I really appreciate the organization, it has given me a chance to take what I’ve learned in the classroom and apply it.”

His success at Minot State almost didn’t happen. He owes some of that to some subliminal messaging from his mother, Tammy. It wasn’t until his senior year in high school when he moved to Minot where he finally decided to attend Minot State.

“Honestly, as a sophomore and junior, I really didn’t want to come here, I was set on going to a school in Minnesota,” he said. “But my mom kept saying I should keep it in mind. I don’t know, maybe it was her subliminal marketing or something, but I really fell in love with the Minot community and Minot State my senior year. I knew I wanted to stay here and get my education. I’ve really come to love this city.”

Richard will finish with a triple major and will also earn a minor in his original choice for a degree, management information systems, and, along with his work with Student Government and DECA, holds a job with SCHEEL’S, a company he will continue to work for after graduation.

His secret?

“I don’t get much sleep, but I love what I do,” he said. “The last four years have required self-sacrifice, my personal time outside of school and work, but I’ve loved it enough to keep going 150 percent.”

He also knows there has been plenty of support along the way.

“There are so many people I would like to give credit to for supporting me, my parents, Gerard and Tammy, my sisters Amy and Andrea, all the friends I’ve met here, and the many faculty and staff at Minot State,” he said.

About Minot State University
Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.

Published: 05/09/19   

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