Cavendish-Cranes accepted into Georgetown School of Business

By Emily Schmidt
University Communications Student Assistant

MINOT, N.D. – Minot State was not initially part of Moses Cavendish-Cranes' long-term plan.

Originally from Manchester, England, Cavendish-Cranes moved to San Bernardino, California to pursue a degree in film after he graduated high school.  Since then, however, his plan has completely changed.

“I thought, I might as well get a career going. Writing is a freelance job, so I should have an established career before I get into film,” he said. “I applied to several schools in North Dakota. When admissions came out, I was like, I am going to choose wisely, and Minot State was much more affordable than the others, and they offered me a scholarship too."

On top of loving film, Cavendish-Cranes also has always had a passion for technology, so he thought he would study computer science when he got to Minot State.

“When I came in and looked at the process, there were more math classes, like scary ones, so I was like, no, and changed it to management information systems (MIS),” he said. “I met with Dr. Willoughby (Business Information Technology and Business Administration Chair Lori Willoughby) and she told me about the program for MIS and said that it’s more like a bridge between business and computer science, so I took it, and I loved it.”

Cavendish-Cranes thrived at Minot State, making many connections during his academic career.

“I made a lot of friends and met some great professors; they’re still my mentors, my friends, my go-to for anything,” he said.

One of these professors is Chad Fenner, an instructor for the University’s College of Business.

“Some of the most enjoyable interactions were had when Moses would stop by my office just to have a conversation or was waiting to see another professor and would stop in to say hello, which would lead into a conversation that I am sure ran longer than either of us anticipated,” Fenner said.

After Cavendish-Cranes graduated from Minot State, he decided to apply for graduate school to earn more qualifications towards his goal of becoming a management consultant.  Georgetown’s master’s in management was his first choice.

“One thing that sort of drew me to Georgetown was that their program was good. It’s a new breed,” he said. “It’s kind of more industry standard, and it prepares you straight away for the job force.”

Anticipating a response from Georgetown was a lengthy process. Cavendish-Cranes was first accepted into Pace University in New York after several months of waiting.  Finally, a month later, an email from Georgetown appeared in his inbox.

“I was a bit nervous when I got the email,” he said. “I was like, whew, let me see. Then I eventually read the email, and it said the admissions committee was pleased with my application, so they invited me to come on campus for an interview. That was the first good sign that something good was happening.”

The actual interview was the second good sign.

“It went well,” said Cavendish-Cranes. “At first I was a bit nervous. He asked me the first question, and I was kind of, like, all over the place, so he said just relax; we're just going to have a conversation. It took off from there. Everything went well. We started talking about things that weren’t even related to the program. I got out with a good feeling that things had gone well.”

Clearly they did, for only two weeks later he got a phone call with great news.

“Is that Moses? I’m like, yeah. She said congratulations, and I was like, holy! I was not expecting that,” he said. “I was screaming in my apartment. I was all over the place. I was like, you have made my day. You have given me the best Christmas gift ever. I got a letter; I got an email, and everything was as it should be.”

In July he will start his master’s in management at the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business in Washington, D.C. where he will earn valuable job experience consulting companies in Singapore.

“The goal is to be able to work in developing countries,” he said, “to help them develop sustainable economic policies, social policies, to foster growth and development. Being able to give back to the communities is what excites me most.”

Cavendish-Cranes' acceptance was no surprise to Fenner.

“The entire MIS and business department knew that Moses had the ability to continue his education and Georgetown will be a great opportunity,” Fenner said. “Moses has the determination, talent, and abilities to become successful at whatever task he chooses to focus his efforts. I firmly believe that upon completion of his program, Moses will be a highly sought-after candidate from multiple companies.”

Although Minot was not initially on his radar, Cavendish-Cranes is grateful for having graduated from the University.

“I didn’t think I would even survive in Minot,” he said. “It was the first time living in a very small community like this, but sometimes you’ve got to move to certain places in order to find your part in this world. Coming here actually helped me build that foundation that I need in order to progress in life. It also has helped me build a network of people that will invariably be a part of my life for a very long time.”

About Minot State University
Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.

Published: 01/15/20   

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