Swiftly enhance your knowledge of tech by joining the SWIFT Club

MINOT, N.D. – Minot State has more than 60 student organizations that offer different experiences and activities for students to get involved in during their free time. Students join clubs for many different reasons, but most students will have the benefit of gaining a new experience, connecting with like-minded people, and finding a place they feel at home at MSU.

For Erik Ellingson, a transfer student, SWIFT (Students With Interest for Future Technology) Club happened to be his choice of organization. Chad Fenner, assistant professor of business Info Tech, is the club advisor.

“The club is open to any major or individual at MSU that would like to examine how technology works, how to create things, hack things, and PUSH BUTTONS,” Fenner said. “Students do participate in cybersecurity competitions each year and we hold an annual cybersecurity awareness event, NODAKON, each October to promote safe cybersecurity. The club also brings in speakers, and in the future, will add workshops and cyber competitions.”

“My reason for joining the club is the open idea of freedom to learn, giving students a place and an opportunity to learn hands-on and make multiple attempts or mistakes so we can learn from them. The best part is the ever-growing and developing environment Mr. Fenner is putting together for students. I wish it were a major all by itself,” Ellingson said.

When the club first began, they competed in a collegiate-focused cyber defense competition called HIVESTORM. Since then, the club has gone on to compete at different competitions, helping them better their skills.

“In addition, the first club’s team competed at the Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security with the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition,” Ellingson said. “More recently, SWIFT club members participated in the National Cyber League, a highly competitive collegiate cybersecurity competition.”

Other than competitions, SWIFT members stay busy with learning about new technology and challenging themselves with difficult tasks.

“Currently, SWIFT members are using multiple Raspberry Pi computers that fit in the palm of one's hand, creating portable cyber security labs able to be taken with ease to local events and schools to educate and introduce cyber security,” Ellingson added. “Joining SWIFT has given me an environment to learn and challenge myself at learning beyond turning off and then on a computer in hopes it self-repairs.”

With Fenner being more of a guide than a leader, he is proud that students drive the direction of the club, with older students sharing knowledge and creating the foundation.

“It’s a place where individuals can work on things outside of class where they learn about different topics, but then how they could expand or create something with technology to make those areas even better,” he said. “I like the inclusion of all majors and individuals so that there is a diverse set of ideas, concepts, and initiatives to push students to become more successful and change how they look at issues in the world.”

Ellingson is currently studying to complete his degree in Management Information Systems and hopes to move forward in his career with a focus in evolving technology and developing an opportunistic market in technology. 

“Technology is in every aspect of one's career and life. However, the technology veil of mystique needs to be lifted, clearing up misconceptions often associated with the latest tech. SWIFT is here to allow students to lift that veil,” Ellingson said.

Technology influences all professions and the majority of everyday lives, so Fenner wants to encourage any and all students interested to reach out to experience a new perspective of technology.

“Because technology is as diverse as any environment and is used by such a large portion of the population it creates a great environment for diverse groups of students to come together and discuss use, development, and knowledge of technology in its current form but also how to determine if there is not a better way it could be used in the future,” he said. “Any student from any major should be able to come to the club and make them better individuals, students, and professionals.”

About Minot State University
Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.

Published: 03/04/22   

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