Non-traditional student finds home in POWER Center

MINOT, N.D. – There are lots of ways for students to get involved on campus or gain work experience. For most students, they gravitate toward familiarity when choosing a student organization or campus job. For Samantha Ostrowski, that happened to be the POWER Center.

“I joined the POWER Center about a year after being here, meeting Rob McRae (academic coach) through the Military Resource Center. Once I started understanding what POWER was, that's when they told me, hey we think you’d be good as a tutor, and I said, okay, sure,” she said.

Having connections through the United States Air Force helped her get her foot through the door. She started her higher education path at a technical college in Wisconsin to get her medical assisting certification, but decided to join the military, specifically the Air Force.

“I was doing security forces for a contract in Omaha, Nebraska where I also took intro classes online through the University of Nebraska. My fiancé had orders back here to Minot, so I separated from the Air Force and moved up here with him, and now currently live in Glenburn,” Ostrowski said.

Now having worked for the POWER Center for about a year, she has embraced her role as a tutor helping students specifically with intermediate algebra.

“Currently, we’re reaching out to more students to say we have availability with tutoring for any intro level classes or even scheduling, or studying habits. Letting them know that there’s a peer that understands the struggle,” she said.

Other than spending time in the POWER Center, Ostrowski is studying kinesiology, planning to obtain a degree in exercise science. Most recently, she helped plan and manage the Wellness Center’s Fit for Life wellness fair.

Minot State is committed to promoting wellness through a holistic approach through eight dimensions — physical, social, environmental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, occupational, and multicultural.

“Focusing on the eight dimensions of Minot State health, we’re trying to get all eight of the dimensions represented. Trying to get faculty and students to understand that there are resources for all the dimensions either on campus or in the local area,” she said.

Having come from a different school, being fully online, and also coming in as a non-traditional student, Ostrowski feels that Minot State has made it very easy for students like her to be welcomed in.

“Compared to my other school, Minot State offers more of a college experience which I was looking forward to, coming from a technical school and also being online based,” she said. “The University here does foster a good adult-style relationship. It is nice to understand that they treat you equal and more like a colleague, and a lot of the instructors are more one-on-one level.”

As far as future plans go, she hopes to get back into the military but as a civilian working alongside service members or focusing on a career with the older adult population.

“Tactical fitness liaison that they implement inside units is an area that’s growing or training and helping first responders and police officers understand proper body mechanics,” Ostrowski said.


About Minot State University
Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.

Published: 04/22/22   

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