Big dreams, small-town grit

MINOT, N.D. – Within the campus of Minot State University, a student’s story unfolds — one that began in the small town of Blumenort, Manitoba, Canada and has since woven through the fields of softball and speech-language pathology.

For Isabella Penner, choosing Minot State was about more than academics and softball. It was a heartfelt decision that embraced the warmth of a closely woven community.

“I chose Minot State University because, on my softball visit, I noticed that, for the most part, everyone knows everyone. I am from a small town, so having that ‘small town feel’ was important to me,” she said.

Penner fell in love with softball when she was just a kid, thanks to her dad, a big baseball fan. He got her into the game, showing her the ropes and sharing his love for it.

“My dad is a huge baseball guy, so naturally, he threw a Yankees’ cap on me and signed me up for tee-ball as soon he could, and I have been playing since,” she said.

With years of playing behind her, choosing a single memorable moment is challenging. Nevertheless, she fondly recalls an entire trip with her team to Florida as a pivotal experience filled with camaraderie and growth.

“It is not necessarily a specific moment; it was our team’s entire trip. During my sophomore year, our softball team took a trip to Florida over spring break, and we played around eight games,” ,” she said. “While there, the girls on our team were split between two houses inside a gated community. I made some of the best memories of my life there with the team because it was such an incredible bonding experience.”

On the academic side, the inspiration to study communication disorders was sparked by a personal encounter with the power of speech therapy, changing the life of someone close to her. Witnessing this profound change cemented her career choice.

“I was impacted by watching someone in my life work with a speech pathologist. This person went from being unable to talk to having complete, meaningful conversations. It was incredible seeing someone you know and love go from being unable to express themselves to finally communicating with you,” Penner said. “This experience taught me the value of communication and how hard it can be for someone who is not understood. I instantly knew I wanted to go into speech pathology from that time.”

Navigating the rigorous demands of her major in communication disorders alongside her softball schedule requires a disciplined approach. Her strategy includes meticulously planning her week around her coursework and athletic responsibilities, ensuring she remains on top of her game in every sense.

Penner’s commitment to her chosen field goes beyond academics. As a recipient of vocal therapy, she gained invaluable insight. This experience has given her a client’s perspective, which she believes will enhance her empathy and effectiveness as a future clinician.

“I am currently receiving vocal therapy at the Minot State CSD clinic. My clinician is wonderful and has taught me so much already this semester. I feel that it is very beneficial for me to be receiving vocal therapy because not only does it help my voice, but it also gives me the perspective of a client. I feel that this will help me provide very empathic service to my future clients because I now understand what it is like to be in their shoes,” she said.

Beyond academics and athletics, Penner has found fulfillment in contributing to the community through Miles for Smiles. 

“I signed up to be a part of Miles for Smiles at our first NSSLHA meeting my junior year,” Penner said. “Through working with Miles for Smiles, I gained a big passion for working with children with cleft lips or palate, and I could see myself possibly specializing in this one day.”

Her involvement in the Miles for Smiles fundraiser has given her a deeper perspective on the impact of simple actions.

“A surgery through Operation Smile only costs roughly $240 because medical professionals donate their time and corporations donate supplies. Because surgeries are around only $240, every dollar we fundraise at Minot State helps! Something as simple as a bake sale on our campus can change the quality of life of a child across the world,” she said.

Penner’s story is not just about personal growth. It is a testament to the transformative power of community engagement and the profound impact one can have on the lives of others.

“I think being involved in Miles for Smiles was a grounding experience for me,” she said. “When you are a junior in university who has hopes of making it into a master’s program one day, it is easy to get caught up in the anxiety of what your grades are like and how busy you are. However, making yourself busy with things like Miles for Smiles makes you realize it is bigger than just you. There is a sense of fulfillment at the end of every day.”

While Penner currently finds immense happiness in her career and life at Minot State, it is a narrative that nearly did not unfold. In her freshman year, amidst the tumultuous landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, she faced unexpected trials — close contact quarantines, a positive test, and subsequent quarantines upon crossing the Canadian border during Christmas break. Initially contemplating a transfer due to homesickness, she gave Minot a second chance.

“My parents told me to give Minot a shot for the second semester so that I could at least see what my softball season would be like with the girls. I was a bit angry because returning to Minot at the end of Christmas break was hard,” Penner said. “However, it was the best decision I ever made. During that second semester, I got to know some people who are, three years later, some of my best friends, and I cannot imagine what I will do without them after graduation in May. I ended up loving my team. I wake up thankful every day to be here because I have met some of the greatest people of my life at Minot State.”

As she stands on the cusp of graduation, envisioning a future adorned with a master’s degree in speech pathology and a rewarding career, she leaves us with a simple but powerful message: getting involved in your community and following your passion can open doors to life-changing opportunities.

About Minot State University
Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.

Published: 12/13/23   

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