The Department of Biology offers a variety of programs that enable the student to obtain pre-professional training prior to entering a professional school. Where possible, the course work taken at the University has been approved by the universities at Fargo and Grand Forks as equivalent to their pre-professional programs. Below are a variety of pre-professional programs that students can concentrate in while pursuing a degree in Biology at Minot State University.
- Pre-Chiropractic - prepares students for a career in chiropractic medicine.
- Pre-Medicine - prepares students to pursue a medical degree after completing their undergraduate degree.
- Pre-Dentistry - prepares students to pursue a degree in dental medicine after completing their undergraduate degree.
- Pre-Dental Hygiene - prepares students to pursue a degree in dental hygiene after completing their undergraduate degree.
- Pre-Mortuary Science - prepares students for a career in mortuary science.
- Pre-Occupational Therapy - prepares students for a career in occupational therapy.
- Pre-Physical Therapy - prepares students to pursue a degree in physical therapy after completing their undergraduate degree.
- Pre-Physician Assistant - prepares students to pursue a degree as a physicians assistant after completing their undergraduate degree.
- Pre-Wildlife Studies - prepares students to pursue a graduate degree in wildlife studies after completing their undergraduate degree.
Additional information for the courses required for each pre-professional program can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.