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Bachelor of Individualized Studies (BIS)

Example Programs

Spanish Language and Pre-Medicine
Alayzia McLeod

For my degree I chose two disciplines, Spanish Language and Pre-Medical Sciences, to set me up towards a career in medicine and increase the range of individuals I can communicate with. I desired a degree that would allow for a well-rounded education that would set me up for success in my career and fulfillment as an individual. With this degree I plan to head towards a career in holistic medicine to bring an alternative approach to health for individuals who need, and desire, a different route.

More about Alayzia's BIS program can be found here.


Music and Business
Sage Garrett

My program is a combination of music and business courses. It emphasizes both music courses, in which I can develop my musical knowledge and skills that would prepare me for the understanding of music production, and business courses that allow me to build my business knowledge which are relevant in the music industry. This major would allow me to do research on business inside the music industry from a musician’s perspective. The program of study is designed to prepare me to have a good balance of production skills such as compositional skills and performing skills and business skills such as marketing skills and management skills, allowing me to have flexible and valid backgrounds in both areas of studies, which can help me to progress in my career.


The Study of Sport Athletics and Marketing
Sam Wedar

My custom program is a combination of business, communication, and kinesiology. These three disciplines will help prepare me for my ultimate goal which is going to graduate school for sports management.
These three disciplines prepare me for sports management in the most perfect way. Obviously, sports management involves business, sports, and people. So, what more do I need than the three core pillars of sports management with BADM (Business), KIN (Sports), COMM (People)? These three work in harmony because, with sports management, having knowledge in all three of these fields is crucial. Business and communications handle the management, marketing, and consumer side of sports management. Kinesiology handles the sports side of things, and that is where I want to stand out. Being a college athlete and studying kinesiology, I hope when I get into the sports management world, business and clients can see that I understand the business side and sports side of this vast sports industry.