Scene from Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing." English 355 Age of Shakespeare students Abagale Huschka, Emily Day, Bryce Toro, and Isabel Nouniez enact a scene where Beatrice, the love interest, is tricked into thinking that Benedict (Benny) is in love with her. Others in the play conspire to convince her by pretending not to know that she is overhearing their conversation. The students chose to set the scene in a High School setting, so luck for Hish Schoolish gestures in their performance.
Want to see what our English majors have been up to?
Check out photos from our Fall 2020 Senior Capstone Presentations here.
Check out some cool performances by our seniors from Dr. Robert Kibler's Spring 2020 Age of Shakespeare class (English 355) here.
The Study of English
When you major in English at Minot State University, you will develop your critical and creative abilities through the study of literary texts of various media and through writing in multiple genres.
You will become an independent scholar with a wide range of strategies for interpreting, reading, writing and/or teaching literature, writing, and texts of various mediums.
When you major in English, you obtain a wide range of knowledge and skills that will prepare you for careers as diverse as technical writing, public relations, working in the publishing industry as an agent or editor, copy editing, law school, creative writing, teaching, and graduate school.
Department Goals
In keeping with our mission, our goals are to:
- Develop increasing sophistication with reading, writing, speaking, and problem solving
- Develop a growing confidence with contradictions, complexities, and ambiguities
- Develop an increasing knowledge and understanding of historical, theoretical, and cultural contexts
- Develop the ability to research carefully and thoughtfully
- Develop an understanding of the concepts, contexts, and practices of the discipline / profession
Vision Statement
The English Department envisions majors who become increasingly independent learners across the four years of their undergraduate education.
We envision students who gain confidence in themselves and with that confidence express their ideas clearly and boldly; who are tolerant of others and comfortable with contradictions, complexity, and ambiguity; who are seekers and creators.
We envision majors who grow in understanding of their own discipline within the broader context of liberal studies and of global cultures.
Ultimately, we envision majors who are empowered by their education to interact effectively and usefully in their society.
Mission Statement
The English major will gain foundational knowledge, use that knowledge with a sense of professionalism and to move toward creative problem solving, and carry that knowledge and problem-solving abilities with them into their careers.
Interested in studying Writing and Literature?
Listen to what our students have to say about our BA program: