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Honors Program in Engagement and Scholarship (HOPES)


The Honors Program in Engagement & Scholarship annually recognizes the contributions and achievements of Honors students through three distinct awards: Excellence in Community Service; Excellence in Leadership; and Outstanding Honors Capstone.

Excellence in Community Service

Excellence in Leadership

  • Recognizes outstanding leadership through a commitment to academics and leadership experiences while at MSU
  • All students participating in the Honors Program at MSU who have a 3.5 GPA or higher are eligible for the award
  • Nomination form and letter of recommendation required

Outstanding Honors Program Capstone

  • Recognizes exceptional development of an Honors Program capstone portfolio
  • All students in the Honors program completing a capstone portfolio in the current academic year are eligible for the award. Submission of a draft portfolio is permissible.
  • Selection criteria include: quality of writing, appropriateness of artifacts, organization, and design
  • Nomination form and letter of recommendation required